Tandem has recently been asked by Music Venue Properties (MVP) to support their ‘Own Our Venues’ scheme, a new ownership model creating permanent homes for live music, no longer relying on the temporary benevolence of commercial landlords.
Grassroots Music Venues (GMV) want to plan ahead to invest in sustainability, accessibility, diversity, artists and the venue itself. Music Venue Properties was conceived and set up by the Music Venue Trust to move venues into a full supportive ownership structure, purchasing sites and renting them back to operators. Utilising a fairer lease, the aim is to ensure rents are sustainable, make contributions to annual repairs and offer tangible support in the face of adverse conditions.
Through the ‘Own Our Venues’ campaign, MVP is putting together a portfolio of amazing and creative grassroots music venues across the UK and Tandem will provide a property management service on a ‘not-for-profit basis’. The role will include lease administration, rent accounting and regular inspection. Tandem will provide advice and support for MVP and the venue operators themselves looking at building condition, repair issues and compliance. Tandem is already working on the first property, The Snug in Wigan (pictured above right), and will take on five further properties in the New Year.
Senior Partner, John Jones confirms Tandem’s commitment:
“This is a great opportunity for us to support MVP and their amazing cultural initiative to stem the closure of Grassroots Music Venues in the UK. The role applies our property expertise and reflects our core values by genuinely supporting community venues and emerging talent. We are so please to be working as part of this fantastic charitable venture”.
Matthew Otridge, COO at MVP, added:
“MVP is delighted to announce this partnership with Tandem, and believe it illustrates our commitment to our tenants and members that the property is being suitably managed. Furthermore, being able to rely on Tandem’s expertise provides us the space to focus on supporting our operators in other areas with the aim of bolstering their resilience at a challenging time for the sector.”